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हरियाणा सरकार
Government of Haryana
Haryana Right To Service Commission
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Notified Services
Name Of Department:
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Chief Electrical Inspector to Government of Haryana
Development and Panchayat
Excise and Taxation Department
Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority (FMDA)
finance Department
Fire Services Department
Food and Drugs Administration
Food and Supplies
Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA)
Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre
Haryana Labour Welfare Board
Haryana Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation
Haryana State Pollution Control Board
Haryana State Seed Certification Agency
Haryana Women Development Corporation
Health Department/ Ayushman Bharat - Haryana Health Protection Authority
Health Services
Higher Education Department
Horticulture Department
Housing Board
Industries and Commerce
Information and Public Reations
Mining & Geology
Printing and Stationery
Public Health and Engineering
Rural Development Department
Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare
School Education Department
Science and Technology
Social Justice and Empowerment
Technical Education Department
Town and Country Planning (HSVP)
Urban Local Bodies
Welfare of SC & BC Department
Women and Child Development
Name Of Service:
--Service Wise--
Name Of Service:
“Removal of Solid Waste from streets/roads/green belts/open Spaces / Public Places owned by the Municipal Bodies"
(i) Certified copies of all documents at Fard Centre level i.e. Record of Rights (Jamabandi), Girdawri, Mutation, etc.
(i) Issue of Conveyance Deed
(i) Domestic Help Verification (if resident of local area).
(i) Issue of New Ration Card on receipt of D-I form i.e. Application Form for all Categories
(i) Sanction of Building plans in original municipal limits, Town Planning schemes, Improvement Trust schemes, Rehabilitation schemes, regularized colonies and notified colonies for all plot size/other uses (except institutional and Commercial use/sites of 1000 sq. mtrs. or more) having no composition of offence.
(i) Sanction of water supply connection in the Rural and Urban areas.
(i) Water Leakage/ Over Flow pipes
(i)Tenant/ (if resident of loacal area)
(ii) Certified copies of all documents at Village level i.e. Record of Rights (Jamabandi), Girdawri, mutation, etc. (if the copies sought are manual and number of pages sought is less than 5)
(ii) Issue of Conveyance Deed through GPA
(ii) Sanction of building plans in the original municipal limits for commercial/institutional uses for the sites 1000 sq. mtrs. to 5000 sq. mtrs.
(ii) Domestic Help Verification (if residnet of other Districts/State and also receiving the verification from other Districts/State)
(ii) Issuance of new ration card on receipt of surrender Certificate
(ii) Sanction of sewerage connection in Cities and MC Towns
(ii) Sewerage/ Blocked/ Over flow of Manholes.
(ii) Tenant (if resident of other Districts/State and after receiving the verification from other Districts/State)
(iii) Certified copies of all documents at Village level i.e. Record of Rights (Jamabandi), Girdawri, mutation, etc. (if the copies sought are manual and number of pages sought is more than 5 but less than 15)
(iii) Sanction of building plans in the original municipal limits for commercial/institutional uses for the sites 5000 sq. mtrs. and above.
(iii) Issuance of duplicate ration card.
(iii). Restoration of Water Supply due to minor problems i.e. fault in pumping machinery, electric wiring, distribution systems etc.
(iv) Certified copies of all documents atVillage level i.e. Record of Rights (Jamabandi), Girdawri, mutation, etc. (if the copies sought are manual and number of pages sought is more than 15)
(iv) Inclusion/ Deletion of family member
(iv) Restoration of Water Supply due to major problems i.e. shortage of raw water, burning
(iv) Sanction of building plans (CLU granted sites upto 5 acres in Municipal Corporation Gurugram and Faridabad) having no composition of offence..
(v) Change of address within same jurisdiction
(v) Sanction of building plans (CLU granted sites, except sites upto 5 acres in Municipal Corporation Gurugram and Faridabad) having no composition of offence.
(v). Restoration of Water Supply due to major problems i.e. burning of transformer, other major electric fault etc. to rectified/ repaired by PHED.
(vi) Change of address including change of FPS
(vii) Issuance of surrender certificate / Ration Card/ Member Migration/ Ration Card Transfer Application/ Surrender of Ration Card Application Form
(viii) Ration Card Data Correction and Household Head modification
a) Clearance for entry/exit from State Highway/Scheduled Road under MORT&H Guidelines
a) Issue of occupation certificate in cases other than mentioned at Sr. No. 150 & 151 above provided composition of offence is not involved. b) Issue of occupation certificate of CLU granted Industrial sites having area more than 5. 00 acres (20234. 25 Sqm)
a) Renewal of Arms License (if the license is presented before the expiry date and the license issuing district is the same where service has been sought).
a) Sanction of building plans of site other than mentioned at Sr. No. 148 & 149. b) Sanction of building plans of the CLU granted Industrial sites having area more than 5. 00 acres (20234. 25 Sqm)
Acknowledgement of Receipt/authorization letter of fertilizers
Addition of new class to Driving License - DTO
Addition of new class to Driving License RLA
Addition Qualification and other related certificate
Addition/ Deletion of weapon (if the license issuing district is the same where service has been sought) From the expiry of the mandatory notice period of 45 days as provided under the Arms Act
Addition/Continuation/Termination of Hypothecation - DTO
Addition/Continuation/Termination of Hypothecation - RLA
Additional Pension to disabled Ex-Servicemen having children
Additional Pension to disabled Ex-Servicemen having no children
Additional Pension to Widows having children
Additional Pension to Widows having no children
Allotment of Land/ Shed in IE/ IDA
Alteration of Vehicle - DTO
Alteration of Vehicle - RLA
Alternate arrangement to restore the supply to the affected area to be made, wherever technically feasible (Within 24 hrs)
Application For Issuance of Certified Copies of Birth and Death For Municipal Corporations; (i) For Current Year For Previous Year; (ii) For Municipal Councils and Committees; (iii) For Current Year For Previous Year
Application Form for HSCST Fellowship for doing Ph.D
Application Form for promotion of Science Education (POSE) Scholarship for B.Sc. & M.Sc. students
Appointment of Registration of Deeds from CSC (Maximum 10 appointment per day per Tehsil subject to maximum 2 appointment per CSC)
Approval for amendments in bye-laws of society under the Haryana Registration and
Approval for change in name/ Registered office of society under the Haryana Registration and Regulations of Societies Act. 2012 (1 of 2012)
Approval for change in partners under Indian Partnership Act.,1932 (Central Act 9 of 1932.)
Approval for change of Registered Office under Indian Partnership Act. 1932 (Central Act 9 of 1932.)
Approval of Governing body under the Haryana Registration and Regulations of Societies Act. 2012 (1 of 2012)
Approval and renewal of fire fighting scheme in case of Building as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of (a) Hostel (A-5) less than 15 meters in height having plot area up to 4000 square meters. b) Education Building (B) height less than 15 meters in height having plot area more than 8000 square meters. c) Industrial Buildings (C). i) Hospital, Sanatoria and Nursing homes (C-1) less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters. ii) Custodial (C-2) and Penal and Plental (C-3) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. d) Assembly Buildings (D-1 to D-5) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. e) Mercantile & Business Buildings (E,F-1 & F-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. f) Industrial Buildings (G). i) Low Hazard (G-1) less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. ii) Moderate Hazard (G-2) Less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. iii) High Hazard (G-3) Less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. g) Storage Buildings (H) Below 15 meters in height and plot area up to 4000 square meters.
Approval and renewal of fire fighting scheme in case of Building as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of a) Residential Buildings (A) (i )Dormitories (A-3) and Apartment Houses (A-4) 15 meters and above but not exceeding 35 meters in height. (ii) Hostel (A-5) height less than 15 meters having plot area more than 4000sq. meters but less 8000 square meters. b) Education Building (B) height less than 15 meters in height having plot area more than 8000 square meters but less 16000 square meters. c) Institutional Buildings (C) i) Hospital, Sanatoria and Nursing homes (C-1) less than 15 meters in height but plot area above 4000 square meters but but less 8000 square meters. ii) Custodial (C-2) and Penal and Plental (C-3) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area more than 4000 square meters but less 15000 square meters. d) Assembly Buildings (D-1 to D-5) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area more than 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. e) Mercantile & Business Buildings (E,F-1 & F-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. f) Industrial Buildings (G). i) Low Hazard (G-1) less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. ii) Moderate Hazard (G-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. iii)High Hazard (G-3) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. g) Storage Buildings (H) Below 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less than 8000 square meters.
Approval and renewal of fire fighting scheme in case of Building as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of not covered at Serial No. 5 and 6.
Approval for modification alteration, repair of boiler under Indian Boiler Act, 1923 (Central Act 5 of 1923)
Approval of scheme of Collegium
Approval/Decision of Mining plan/scheme of mining/Mine closure as required under the provisions contained under Chapter 10 of the Haryana Minor Mineral Concession, Stocking, Transportation of Minerals and Prevention of Illegal Mining Rules, 2012.
Area/ Succession/ Dependent Certificate/Counter Signature etc.
Assistance for Environment Compliance i) Letter of Approval
Assistance for Environment Compliance ii) Letter of Sanction
Assistance for Environment Compliance iii) Disbursement
Assistance Technology Acquisition i) Letter of Approval
Assistance Technology Acquisition ii) Letter of Sanction
Assistance Technology Acquisition iii) Disbursement
Attestation of uncontested mutations
Attested copy of any document
Authorization under Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016
Authorization under Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 (as amended)
Authorization under E-waste Management Rules, 2016
Authorization under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (as amended)
Authorization under the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016
B-1 License (Brewery License)
b) Permission for laying of Natural Gas/Pipelines ROU
b) Renewal of Arms License (if presented after every alternative cycle of 6 years, where police verification is necessary )
Backward Class Certificate
Bifurcation of Plot
Boiler Attendant Certificate
Boiler Operation Engineer (BOE) Certificate
Boiler Registration under the Indian Boiler Act, 1923 (Central Act 5 of 1923)
Booking of Community Center
BWH-2 License (Bonded Warehouse)
c) Permission for Right of use (RoU) for laying the Communication Infrastructure & associated installation like Optical Fiber Cable
Cancellation of Transfer permission
Certificate of Boiler Welder
Certificate of Boiler Manufacturer unit
Certificate of Boiler Repairer
Certified Copies of all kinds of previously registered documents
Certified Copies of Birth/Death Certificate – (already registered) (i) Current year (ii) Previous years upto 1972 (iii) Prior to 1972
Change of land use permission for the units situated within various controlled areas of State within final published development plan of the controlled area and conforming zone (except competency of the Govt.)
Change of Name
Change of Constitution
Change of Project
Change in name of the Firm
Change in spelling of name
Change of Address (DL) - DTO
Change of Address (DL) - RLA
Change of Address (RC) - DTO
Change of Address (RC) - RLA
Change of Land use permission for the units situated within GMDA area (except competency of the Government) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Change of Land use permission for the units situated within Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority area (except competency of the Government). from the date of receipt of complete documents
Change of land use permission for the units situated within various controlled areas of the State within Final Published Development Plan of the Controlled Area and confirming zone.
Change of membership
Change of Name Approval and intimation of charges from receipt of application complete in all respect along with prescribed charges
Change of name
Change of Name: Effecting of change of name after acceptance of application (Within two billing cycles)
Change of number of membership of GHS sites (Cooperative Society)
Change of owner/ occupier in Property Tax Register (Except in death case)
Change of owner/occupier in property tax register in death cases
Change the size of dwelling units in GHS
Character Certificate
Character Verification
Claiming Interest subsidy for Artisan - i) Letter of Approval
Claiming Interest subsidy for Artisan - ii) Letter of Sanction
Claiming Interest subsidy for Artisan - iii) Disbursement
Cleaning of road/ berm
Clearance of objections related to property dues, size, floor details, property authorized/ unauthorized status and Property category on No Dues Certificate Portal
Consent to Establish under the air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (Central Act 14 of 1981)
Consent to Establish under the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Central Act 6 of 1974)
Consent to operate under the air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (Central Act 14 of 1981)
Consent to operate under the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Central Act 6 of 1974)
Conversion from lease to Free Hold
Conversion of Vehicle (from Transport to Non-Transport) - RLA
Conversion of Vehicle (non-transport to transport) - DTO
Conveyance Deed
Copy of FIR or DDR.
Copy of untraced report in cases pertaining to stolen vehicles.
Copy of untraced report in road accident cases.
Copy of untraced report in theft cases.
Corporations, Municipal Councils and Municipal Committees
Correction of entry in the register of Birth and Death (after submission of complete application)
Coverage of manholes of sewerage and storm water drains
Credit Linked Interest Subsidy Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Credit Linked Interest Subsidy Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Credit Rating Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Credit Rating Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Credit Rating Scheme iii) Disbursement
D-2 License (Distillery License)
Date of spouse death updation in plot memo
Deed writing for instruments like Power of attorney, will, authority to adopt, adoption deed, divorce deed, agreements etc.
Deed writing for instruments like Release, transfer deed, gift deed, partition and other documents.
Deed writing for instruments like sale, conveyance, mortgages, lease/rent etc.
Delayed Registration of Birth and Death Events. (i) Post 21 days but within 30 days of the event. (ii) Post 30 days but before 1 year of the event. (iii) Post 1 year after the occurrence of event, upto 1972. (iv) Prior to 1972
Delivery of benefits under various Welfare Scheme of Haryana Building and Other Construction Worker’s Welfare Board
Delivery of queries and grievances handling for Industries/Businesses (i) All queries to be sought once within 7 days from the date of receiving details from the investor. (ii) All resolution of query and grievance within 15 days from the date of receiving complete details from teh investor Note: This shall include all queries and grievances (related to Service, Land and Plot Incentives and Law and Order) submitted on Invest Haryana Portal
Demarcation of plots
Demarcation of Land if no standing crop
Demarcation of Plot
Deprived Scheduled Caste Certificate
Design Clinic Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Design Clinic Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Design Clinic Scheme iii) Disbursement
Disposal of Online Complaint
Disposal of Registered Lost Property
Dissolution of Firm
Distribution Transformer failure: Cities and Towns (Within 24 hours)
Distribution Transformer failure: Rural Area (Within 48 hours)
DPC Certification
Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chattarwati Yojana
Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Dughatna Sahayata Yojana
Duplicate license of pesticides
Duplicate acknowledgement of Receipt/authorization letter of fertilizers
Duplicate Certificate
Duplicate Driving License
Duplicate Driving License - DTO
Duplicate license of seeds
Duplicate Registration Certificate - DTO
Duplicate Registration Certificate - RLA
Dwarf allowance Scheme
Economically Backward General Caste Certificate
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate for allotment of residential flat or residential plot by Housing Board
Education Loan Scheme
Education Loan Scheme (under NSFDE/ NSKFDC)
Electricity Duty/ Open Access Charges Exemption i) Letter of Approval
Electricity Duty/ Open Access Charges Exemption ii) Letter of Sanction
Electricity Duty/ Open Access Charges Exemption iii) Disbursement
Email updation
Employee Verification
Employer Registration in Employment Exchange
Employment Generation Subsidy i) Letter of Approval
Employment Generation Subsidy ii) Letter of Sanction
Employment Generation Subsidy iii) Disbursement
Encumbrance Certificate
Energy Audit Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Energy Audit Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Energy Audit Scheme iii) Disbursement
Enlistment of contractors for works & services
Enrollment of members of Society registered under the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act,2012 (Act 1 of 2012)
Eunuch allowance Scheme
Event/ Performance Request
Ex-Gratia Assistance to next of kin of the deceased by COVID-19
Ex-gratia grant for disability for Central Paramilitary Forces
Ex-gratia grant for disability for Defence forces
Extension in time for project implementation completion
Extension of purchase period of weapon, (within permissible time period and if the license issuing district is the same where services has been sought).
Extension of Residential Permit of Foreigners.
Filing of mandatory annual returns u/s 50(1) of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012 (Act 1 of 2012)
Final Transfer Letter (FTL)/ Re-allotment Letter
Financial assistance for bicycle to workers
Financial assistance for coaching of entrance exams for professional courses and for Main exam after passing preliminary exam of UPSC & HPSC
Financial assistance for Dental Care to workers and their dependents
Financial assistance for disability
Financial assistance for funeral to dependents of deceased worker
Financial assistance for LTC (Leave travel concession)
Financial assistance for marriage of Female workers and daughter of workers (Kanyadaan)
Financial assistance for marriage of Male workers and Son of workers (Shagun)
Financial assistance for maternity of female workers and Wives of male workers
Financial assistance for Sewing Machine to female workers
Financial assistance for Spectacle to workers and their dependents
Financial assistance from class 1st to 12th for school uniform, books and copies to children of workers
Financial assistance of artificial limbs to workers
Financial assistance of Hearing Machine/Hearing Aid to workers and their dependents
Financial assistance of tri cycle to workers and their dependents
Financial Assistance to Blind ex-serviceman
Financial assistance to children of workers for participation in Cultural Competition.
Financial assistance to children of workers for participation in Sports Competition
Financial Assistance to Declare War Widow
Financial assistance to dependent of deceased worker
Financial Assistance to destitute children scheme
Financial Assistance to disabled Ex-Serviceman
Financial Assistance to Kashmiri Migrant families Scheme
Financial Assistance to Non school going disabled children
Financial Assistance to Orphan Children of Ex-Serviceman
Financial Assistance to Pera/tetra/Hemi Plegic Ex-Serviceman
Financial Assistance to the Ex-Serviceman of 60 years their widow
Financial Assistance to widow WWII veteran
Financial assistance to workers for visually, physically or mentally disabled children
Financial Assistance to WWII veteran
Firm Registration for seed production
Fitness Certificate - DTO
Floor wise Registration (Division of property- other than residential)
Floor-wise Registration (Division of property- Residential)
Food License Renewal Application:; i. After submission of renewal application, if no action taken by the authority (Auto generated); ii. After the allocation of inspection if no inspection has been conducted or last response by FBO (Auto generated)
Food Safety & Standards Authority of India New License/Modification of License Applications:; i. After filling of application, if no action has been taken by the authority (Auto generated); ii. After the last response by FBO, if query raised by authority at any stage and no action has been taken by the authority (Auto generated); iii. After the date of making complete application by the FBO i.e application pending at the stage of inspection and no inspection has been conducted (Auto generated)
Forwarding of application to bank for sanction of loan amount under “Scheme for establishment of Hi Tech Dairy Units”
Forwarding of applications to bank for sanction of loan amount under “Scheme for providing employment opportunities for Scheduled Castes”
Freight Assistance Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Freight Assistance Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Freight Assistance Scheme iii) Disbursement
Fresh Building Plan (other than Residential)
Fresh Building Plan (Residential)
Fruit License: Grant of Nursery Fruit License.
Gender updation in plot memo
Grant Cinema License
Grant of Fresh Arms License
Grant of Mineral Dealer License
Grant of passes of liquor
Grant of permit for disposal of mineral excavated in the process of maintenance of canal and drainage system by the irrigation Department
Grant of permits of liquor
Grant/Renewal drugs Manufacturing License
Granting permission for installing communication and connectivity infrastructure.
Granting permission for road cutting
Green Business Scheme (e-rickshaw, compressed air vehicle, Solar energy gadgets and poly houses) (under NSFDC)
Handicapped Pension
Haryana Pension to Widows and destitute Women scheme (Widow Pension)
Hindu Dogra Community Certificate
Hortnet: Sanction of application upon submission of complete documents
i) License for the brick kilns & charcoal kilns under the provisions of the Punjab Scheduled Roads and Controlled Areas Restriction of unregulated Development Act, 1963.
i) Registration of principal employer’s establishment and license for contractors under provision of contract labour Act, 1970
ii) Approvals of plans from Factories Department under Factories Act, 1948
ii) License for stone crusher under the provisions of the Punjab Scheduled Roads and Controlled Areas Restriction of Unregulated Development Act, 1963.
iii) Factories License under Factories Act, 1948
Income and Asset Certificate for Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
Income Certificate (other than education purpose)
Independent Floor- Transfer Letter in Death case
Independent Floor- Transfer Permission – Will
Independent Floor- Transfer Permission –Family (with conveyance deed)
Independent floor- Transfer Permission Letter
Independent Floor- Transfer permission- Family
Independent Floor; Re-Allotment Letter
Individual Loan Scheme
Inspection of new HTI/Transformers/Gen. Sets above 250 KVA up to and including 500 KVA. And Periodical inspection of HTI/Generating Sets/Transformers having total installed capacity of above 250 KVA up to and including 2500 KVA.
Inspection of new HTI/Transformers/Gen. Sets above 500 KVA. And Periodical inspection of HTI/Generating Sets/Transformers having total installed capacity of above 2500 KVA
Installation of Drain Covers
Inter District Migration of Beneficiaries
Interest subsidy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) i) Letter of Approval
Interest subsidy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) ii) Letter of Sanction
Interest subsidy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) iii) Disbursement
Investment Subsidy on Value Added Tax (VAT)/ State Goods & Services Tax (SGST) i) Letter of Approval
Investment Subsidy on Value Added Tax (VAT)/ State Goods & Services Tax (SGST) ii) Letter of Sanction
Investment Subsidy on Value Added Tax (VAT)/ State Goods & Services Tax (SGST) iii) Disbursement
Issuance of NOC for setting up of Petrol Pump, Cinema Hall etc.
Issuance of project Completion Certificate
Issuance of duplicate water/sewer Bill
Issuance of Allotment letter
Issuance of Ayushman Card
Issuance of Conductor License - DTO
Issuance of DMC if not received by student within 30 days from the declaration of result
Issuance of duplicate copy of license of Fair Price Shop
Issuance of duplicate water/ sewer bill
Issuance of Fair Price Shop License
Issuance of Fire NOC in case of Building as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of a) Hostel (A-5) less than 15 meters in height having plot area up to 4000sq. mtr. b) Education Building (B) Less than 15 meters in height having plot area up to 8000 square meters. c) Institutional Building (C). i) Hospital, Sanatoria and Nursing homes (C-1) less than 15 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. ii) Custodial (C-2) and Penal and Plental (C-3) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. d) Assembly Buildings (D-1 to D-5) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. e) Mercantile & Business Buildings (E,F-1 &F-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area up to 4000 square meters. f) Industrial Buildings (G). i) Low Hazard (G-1) Less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. ii) Moderate Hazard (G-2) Less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. iii)High Hazard (G-3) Less than 15 meters in height but plot area up to 4000 square meters. g) Storage Buildings (H) Below 15 meters in height and plot area up to 4000 square meters
Issuance of Fire NOC in case of Building as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of buildings not covered at Serial No. 2 and 3
Issuance of Fire NOC in case of Buildings as per nomenclature of National Building code in case of a) Residential Buildings (A) (i ) Dormitories (A-3) and Apartment Houses (A-4) 15 meters and above but not exceeding 35 meters in height. (ii) Hostel (A-5) height less than 15 meters. having plot area more than 4000sq. meters but less 8000 square meters. b) Education Building (B) height less than 15 meters in height having plot area more than 8000 square meters but less 16000 square meters. c) Institutional Buildings ( C ) i) Hospital, Sanatoria and Nursing homes (C-1) less than 15 meters in height but plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. ii) Custodial (C-2) and Penal and Plental (C-3) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area more than 4000 square meters but less 15000 square meters. d) Assembly Buildings (D-1 to D-5) Less than 10 meters in height with plot area more than 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. e) Mercantile & Business Buildings (E,F-1 & F-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. f) Industrial Buildings (G). i) Low Hazard (G-1) less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. ii) Moderate Hazard (G-2) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. iii)High Hazard (G-3) Less than 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less 8000 square meters. g) Storage Buildings (H) Below 15 meters in height with plot area above 4000 square meters but less than 8000 square meters.
Issuance of identity card to senior citizen
Issuance of Job Card under Mahatama Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
Issuance of letter of Intent in case of fresh lease by way of competitive bidding (for seeking environmental clearance and other required approvals for mining)
Issuance of Licence of Dealer
Issuance of Licence of Manufacturer
Issuance of Licence of Reparier
Issuance of License for Manufacture and sale of Bricks (After depositing of License Fee and Security Money as prescribed in the Control Order)
Issuance of License for manufacturing of IBR welding electrodes
Issuance of new Property ID
Issuance of No Objection Certificate for setting up of Petrol Pump
Issuance of occupation certificate (All CLU granted sites, except sites upto 5 acres in Gurugram and Faridabad) having no composition of offence.
Issuance of occupation certificate (CLU granted sites up to 5 acres in Gurugram and Faridabad) having no composition of offence.
Issuance of Occupation Certificate for all (original municipal limits, Town Planning schemes, Improvement Trustschemes, Rehabilitation schemes, regularized colonies and civic amenities, deficient municipal areas) for all plot size/ uses having no composition of offence.
Issuance of Original Degree if not received by Student within 180 days from the declaration of result
Issuance of permission for granting advertisement rights under Haryana Municipal Corporation advertisement Byelaws 2018 and Haryana Municipal advertisement Byelaws 2019
Issuance of Possession Certificate
Issuance of Provisional Degree
Issuance of School Leaving Certificate
Issuance of User ID and Password (i) In death case (ii) In Will case
Issuance/Modification/Renewal of Registration Certificate of Food Business Operators:; i. After filling of application for New Registration/Modification/Renewal Application, if no action has been taken by the authority by way of raising any query (Auto generated); ii. After the last response of FBO, if query raised by the authority from document scrutiny or inspection stage, if no action has been taken by the authority (Auto generated)
Issue of J form to the farmers
Issue of No due certificate
Issue of No dues Certificate
Issue of No Objection Certificate/ Duplicate Allotment/ Re- allotment letter
Issue of Plinth level certificate
Issue of completion/ occupation certificate for buildings
Issue of conveyance deed
Issue of occupation certificate for the building mentioned at Sr. No. 148 provided composition of offence is not involved
Issue of permission for mortgage
Issue Certificate of Dog Registration/brought for show purpose
Issue of Occupation Certificate for the CLU permission granted sites (provided composition is involved) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Issue of Occupation Certificate for the CLU permission granted sites by GMDA (provided composition of offence is not involved) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Issue of Change of Ownership/Re-allotment letter after execution of Sale Deed
Issue of Conveyance Deed
Issue of conveyance deed in Municipal
Issue of Degree Certificate
Issue of Detailed Marks Certificate (DMC) For Degree Passed students
Issue of Detailed Marks Certificate (DMC) For Diploma passed out Students
Issue of Diploma Certificate
Issue of Drug licence for setting up a pharmacy in state (by State Drugs Control Organisation)
Issue of Duplicate allotment/Copy of any Document
Issue of Income Certificate
Issue of letter of Intent for grant of mining lease/contract by way of competitive bidding
Issue of Licence for the operation of a blood bank under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. (Central Act 23 of 1940)
Issue of License for bakery
Issue of License for Import of Meat/sale of imported Meat
Issue of License for lodging houses
Issue of License for Manufacturing Bulk Drugs/formulations
Issue of License for running flour mill
Issue of License for running tent house
Issue of License for Sale of Meat
Issue of Migration Certificate For Degree Passed students
Issue of Migration Certificate For Diploma passed out Students
Issue of No dues Certificate from the date of application and clearance of outstanding dues , if any
Issue of No Dues Certificate
Issue of NOC for Mortgage
Issue of NOC/Duplicate Allotment/ Re-allotment
Issue of occupation certificate for plot area for buildings mentioned at Sr. 149 provided composition of offence is not involved.
Issue of Occupation Certificate for the CLU permission granted sites by Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority (provided composition of offence is not involved). from the date of receipt of complete documents
Issue of Occupation Certificate of CLU permission granted sites (provided composition is involved) from the date of receipt of complete documents
Issue of Permission for De-Mortgage
Issue of permission for mortgage
Issue of Registration for opening and running a Blood Bank (Local Food and Drug Administration)
Issue of Registration for operating a drug store in the hospital (both outdoor and indoor pharmacy), under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. (Central Act 23 of 1940) and Pharmacy Act, 1948 (Central Act 8 of 1948)
Issue of Renewal of licence for the operation of a Blood Bank under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. (Central Act 23 of 1940)
Issue of Renewal of Retail Drug Licence (Pharmacy)
Issue of Retail Drug Licence (Pharmacy)
Issue of trade license
Issue of Transcripts For Degree Passed students
Issue of Transcripts For Diploma passed out Students
Issue of Wholesale Drug licence
iv) Shop Registration under Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishment Act. 1958 (Punjab Act 15 of 1958) a. Invalid for Know Your Customer(KYC) b Valid for Know Your Customer(KYC)
KVA/MPI/Gen. Set. And Inspection of new transformers and 11 KV line of HTI Consuemrs up to 25 KVA and suppliers transformers above 50 KVA.
L-1 (Wholesale license for Indian Made Foreign Liquor)
L-10B License (Retail license of Imported Foreign Liquor in shopping complex)
L-10C License (License for Microbrewery)
L-10E License (Pub License)
L-11 License (bottling license for Indian Made Foreign Liquor)
L-12A License (Temporary license for marriage/events)
L-12C License (Bar License for club)
L-12G License (Bar license for Golf Club)
L-13 (Wholesale license for Country Liquor)
L-1AB (Wholesale license for Non Distillers of Haryana)
L-1AB1 License (Non brewer for sale of Beer/Wine)
L-1B License (Wholesale license for Distillers of Haryana)
L-1B-1 License (Wholesale license for Brewery/Winery of Haryana)
L-4/5 License (Bar License for restaurant)
L-9 License (Canteen Store Department for retail sale)
L1-B1-A (Whole sale for Ready to Drink Beverages)
Ladli Social Security Allowance Scheme
Laghu Vyavasay Yojana (under NSFDC)
Learner License for Non-Transport Vehicle
Learner License for Transport Vehicle - DTO
Lease Deed
Leasing/ Renting of Plot
Legal Aid
Licence for Stone Crushers under the Haryana Regulation and Control of Crushers, Act, 1991 to stone crushers owners
License for processing under Lubricating Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Regulation) Order, 1987
License for Trading under Lubricating Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Regulation) order, 1987 .
License for Dhobis for using Municipal Dhobi Ghats
License for Plying Carts and Rehris
License for the brick kilns, Charcoal kilns under the provisions of the Punjab Scheduled Roads and Controlled Area Restrictions of Unregulated Development Act, 1963. From the date of receipt of complete documents
License for the brick kilns & charcoal kilns under the provisions of the Punjab Scheduled Roads and Controlled Areas Restriction of unregulated Development Act, 1963 from the date of receipt of complete documents
License of pesticides
License of Seeds
Loudspeakers/DJ Permission for Funfair/ Circus/ Magic Show (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Loudspeakers/DJ Permission for Jalsa/Public Meeting / Jaloos/ Shobha Yatra/ Chhath Puja/Marriage (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Loudspeakers/DJ Permission for Tournaments/Games (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Low Pressure (Water Supply)
Mahila Adhikarita Yojana (under NSFDC)
Mahila Kisan Yojana (for Self Employment Income Generating Schemes relating to Agriculture and Allied Sector) only for women beneficiaries (under NSKFDC)
Maintenance of Green Belt and Road side plantation. (Horticulture)
Maintenance of Park (Horticulture)
Major Power failure involving power transformer/equipment
Marital status updation in plot memo
Marketing Development Assistance i) Letter of Approval
Marketing Development Assistance ii) Letter of Sanction
Marketing Development Assistanceiii) Disbursement
Marriage Grant to Orphan daughter of Ex-Servicemen
Marriage Grant to war Disabled Ex- Servicemen
Marriage Grant to War Widows of Ex-Servicemen
Marriage Grant to Widow of Ex-Servicemen
Marriage Registration 1954 (Rural)
Marriage Registration 1995 (Rural)
Marriage Registration 2008 (Rural)
Meter Complaints (a) Inspect and check correctness: For CT/PT Meter (After application)
Meter Complaints (a) Inspect and check correctness: For whole current meter (After application)
Meter Complaints (b) Replace slow/ fast meters/ Creeping or Stuck meters: For CT/PT meter (In Rural Areas)
Meter Complaints (b) Replace slow/ fast meters/ Creeping or Stuck meters: For CT/PT meter (In Urban Areas)
Meter Complaints (b) Replace slow/ fast meters/ Creeping or Stuck meters: For whole current meter (In Rural Areas)
Meter Complaints (b) Replace slow/ fast meters/ Creeping or Stuck meters: For whole current meter (In Urban Areas)
Meter Complaints (c) Replace burnt meters after application: For CT/PT meter
Meter Complaints (c) Replace burnt meters after application: For whole current meter
Micro Credit Finance (for Self Employment Income Generating Schemes) (under NSFDC/ NSKFDC)
Migration Certificate
Minet: Sanction of application upon submission of complete documents
Minority Community Certificate
Mobile updation
Monetary Relief to Victims of Atrocities
Mortgage 1st Charge
Mukhya Mantri Matritav Sahayta Scheme
Mukhya Mantri Samajik Samrasta Antarjatiya Vivah Shagun Yojana
Mukhya Mantri Samajik Suraksha Yojna for deceased employee
Mukhya Mantri Sharam Puruskar
Mukhya Mantri Vivah Shagun Yojna
Name Approval of Societies under the Haryana Registration and Regulations of Societies Act. 2012 (1 of 2012)
Name change after divorce
Name change after marriage
Name change after re-marriage
National Family Benefit Scheme for BPL Families
New and periodical inspection of electrical installations and generating sets of 40KW/50KVA/MPI/excluding HTI connections. And new transformers of supplier upto 40 KVA along with 11 KV line excluding HT connections.
New Registration of Genetic Counselling Centre/ Genetic Lab / Genetic Clinic/ Ultrasound Clinic and Imaging Centre and Renewal of Registration certificates of Genetic Counselling Centre/ Genetic Lab/ Genetic Clinic/ Ultrasound Clinic and Imaging Centre
No Dues Certificate
No Objection Certificate for Storage of Fireworks in storehouse under The Explosive Rules, 2008
No Objection Certificate (NOC) for transfer of vehicles to other State - DTO
No Objection Certificate for Possession and sale of Fireworks from Shop under the Explosive Rules, 2008
No Objection Certificate for the License to Import and Storage of Petrol under The Petroleum Rules, 2002
No Objection to Return to India (NORI) in case of Pakistani nationals living in India on Long term Visa.
No Objection to Return to India (NORI) in case of Indian nationals living abroad and returned to India
No Ojection Certificate for vehicles going outside the State (NOC) - RLA
NOC for pre-owned vehicles.
NOC for the units falling outside controlled area and urban area
NOC for the units falling outside controlled area but within urban areas
NOC for use of loud speakers (applicable only in case of S. D. M. obtain N. O. C. from the concerned SHO before granting permission)
NOC for Fairs/ Melas/ Exhibition/ Sport Events etc.
NOC for issuance/ renewal of License of Arms Dealers.
NOC in respect of Haryana Land and Preservation Act, 1900 (Punjab Act, II of 1900) or Forest or Restricted lands
Nomadic Tribe Caste Certificate
Non-encumbrance Certificate
Normal Fuse Off Call: Rural Area (Within 16 hours)
Normal Fuse Off Call: Urban Area (Within 4 hours )
OC Certification (other than Residential)
OC Certification (Residential)
Old age Samman allowance (Pension Scheme)
Online Appointment for Registration of Deeds (Maximum 10 appointment per day per Tehsil)
Online Insurance/ Renewal of Certificate for verification of Weights and Measures etc.
Online Registration of the Cooperative Societies
Other Backward Caste Certificate
Other Verification related services.
Overhead Line Breakdown due to Breakage of Poles: Cities and Towns (Within 12 hours)
Overhead Line Breakdown due to Breakage of Poles: Rural Area (Within 48 hours)
Overhead Line Breakdowns: Rural Area (Within 16 hours)
Overhead Line Breakdowns:- Cities and Towns (Within 8 hours)
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayay Samoohik Pashudhan Beema Yojna-National Livestock Mission
Passport Verification
Patent registration Scheme - i) Letter of Approval
Patent registration Scheme - ii) Letter of Sanction
Patent registration Scheme - iii) Disbursement
Payment of Incentive under Aapki Beti Hamari Beti Scheme
Pension Scheme for Matribhasha Satyagrahis of Hindi Andolan 1957
Period of Schedule outage: Maximum duration in a single stretch (Not to exceed 8 hours in any day)
Period of Schedule outage: Restoration of supply (By 6 PM on any day)
Permanent Driving License - DTO
Permanent Driving License -RLA
Permission for Right of Way for Laying the Natural Gas Pipelines, Communication Infrastructure & associated installation, electricity line and the health services etc. From the date of receipt of complete documents
Permission for felling of trees in areas notified under general section-4 of Haryana Land and Preservation Act, 1900 (Punjab Act II of 1900)
Permission for Funfair/Circus/Magic Show(Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from S.P., SDM, MC Fire, Excise Deptt)
permission for installation of Temporary structure
Permission for Loudspeaker/DJ (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Permission for Right of Way for Laying the Natural Gas Pipelines, communication infrastructure & associated installation, electricity line and the health services etc. from the date of receipt of complete documents
Permission for Tournaments/ Games (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from S.P., SDM, Sports officer)
Permission for Transfer Memorandum of Inspection Book and Registration Book of boiler within State
Permission for transfer of Memorandum of Inspection Book and Registration Book of boiler outside State
Permission of Loudspeaker on Vehicle during Assembly/ State Election Campaign. (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Permission of Loudspeaker on Vehicle during Parliamentary Election Campaign. (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from S.P., S.D.M..)
Permission of transfer in case of Sale
Permission related to communication and connectivity infrastructure
Permission to construct Brick Kiln (Gaid and Chimney) (After receipt of Application)
Permit (Haryana) - DTO
Permit (National) - DTO
Permit for Excavation of Ordinary Earth and Clay
Permit for the extraction of brick earth to brick kiln owner for manufacturing of bricks.
Permit for the grant of permission for disposal of Mineral excavated incidental to development activities
Permit/Permission for Vehicle during Assembly/State Election Campaign. (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from local S.H.O.)
Permit/Permission for Vehicle during Parliamentary Election Campaign. (Applicable only in case of obtaining of NOCs from S.P., S.D.M.)
Photocopy of Answer Sheets
Physical Possession of Plot
Police Clearance Certificate
Polynet: Sanction of application upon submission of complete documents
Primary Processing Centre Scheme -i) Letter of Approval
Primary Processing Centre Scheme -ii) Letter of Sanction
Primary Processing Centre Scheme -iii) Disbursement
Private Partition of Land (Mutual Consent of landowners)
Private Security Agency Verification
Processing Plant Registration for Processing of seeds
Processing Plant Renewal for Processing of seeds
Procession Request
Property Dealer License
Protest/ Strike Request
Providing financial aid (ex- gratia) to cultivators for any injury or death during farming operations; In case of death, after obtaining Viscera report. In case of injury.
Providing of free travel vouchers for interviews to all eligible application
Provision for Jalsa/Public Meeting/Jaloos/Shobha Yatra/Chhath Puja/Marriage (Applicable only in case of obtaining NOCs from S.P, SDM, MC Fire)
Provision of Polythene lining for the Construction of New ponds for Saline/Alkaline area.
Provisional License for processing under Lubricating Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Regulation) Order, 1987.
Provisional License for Trading under Lubricating Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Regulation) Order, 1987.
Quality Certification Assistance Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Quality Certification Assistance Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Quality Certification Assistance Scheme iii) Disbursement
Re Allotment Letter
Re-connection (where meter has been removed)
Re-transfer of property in case of sale
Re-transfer of property in case of sale (Uncontested Death)
Reconnection of supply following disconnection due to nonpayment of bills (disconnection less than 6 months old) (where meter/line is not removed): Rural Areas (After receipt of payment from consumer) (Within 12 hours)
Reconnection of supply following disconnection due to nonpayment of bills (disconnection less than 6 months old) (where meter/line is not removed): Urban Areas (After receipt of payment from consumer) (Within 6 hours)
Rectification of water/Sewerage Bill
Rectification of water/ Sewerage Bill
Redressal of consumer’s complaint regarding billing i.e. non receipt, wrong bill etc. after receipt of complaint if additional information is required
Redressal of Domestic Violence Complaints received from Women of Haryana
Reduction of Load from receipt of complete application, charges & documents., where no change in CTs /PTs/ Transformers etc are to be replaced.
Refund of Advance consumption Deposit / Consumption security/ meter security on closure of account after adjustment of all dues
Registration of all kinds of documents i.e. sale deed. Lease deed, GPA, Partnership Deed etc.
Registration of Foreigners (Arrival and Departure)
Registration of Marriage under Hindu Marriage Act from the expiry of 15 days notice period
Registration of Societies under the Haryana Registration and Regulations of Societies Act. 2012 (1 of 2012)
Registration for an existing society
Registration for Job Seeker
Registration for SAKSHAM Scheme
Registration of brand and approval of brand labels of liquor
Registration of Economizer
Registration of Establishment engaged in Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (28 of 1996)
Registration of firms under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 (Central Act 9 of 1932)
Registration of fully built new vehicles purchased from outside the State (Transport)- DTO
Registration of fully built transport vehicles through dealer
Registration of Lease/Conveyance Deed
Registration of name of child
Registration of new vehilces purchased from outside the state (Non-Transport) -RLA
Registration of Non-Transport Vehicles through Dealer - RLA
Registration of principal employer’s establishment under the provisions of Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 (30 of 1979)
Registration of the ‘Recognized Qualified Person’ for preparation of Mining plan as required under Rule 68 (1) of the Haryana Minor Mineral Concession, Stocking, Transportation of Minerals and Prevention of Illegal Mining Rules, 2012.
Registration Renewal and Grace period of two months of Renewal
Registration under Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016 (as amended)
Registration under one Family one job
Registration under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
Registration/Renewal of construction workers as beneficiary of Haryana Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (HBOCWW Board)
Reimbursement of Expenses incurred for e-Commerce Linkages - i) Letter of Approval
Reimbursement of Expenses incurred for e-Commerce Linkages - ii) Letter of Sanction
Reimbursement of Expenses incurred for e-Commerce Linkages - iii) Disbursement
Relaxation in Renewal after delay of two months
Release of new Drainage Connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of New Sewerage Connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of New Water Supply connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) From the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of new connection/ additional load (ii) 11 KV supply (from receipt of complete application, charges & documents)
Release of new connection/ additional load (iii) 33 KV supply (from receipt of complete application, charges & documents)
Release of new connection/ additional load iv) Above 33 KV level (from receipt of complete application, charges & documents)
Release of new connection/additional load (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents. In Metropolitan areas
Release of new connection/additional load (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents In Other Municipal Areas
Release of new connection/additional load (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents In Rural Areas
Release of New Drainage Connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) from the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of New Sewerage Connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) from the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of New Water Supply connections (Bulk & Industrial connections only) from the date of receipt of complete documents
Release of Temporary connection (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents In Rural Area
Release of Temporary connection (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents. In Metropolitan areas
Release of Temporary connection (Except Agriculture Pumping (AP) Category) LT Supply From receipt of complete application, charges, documents In Other Municipal Areas
Release of Temporary Connection (ii) 11 KV supply (from receipt of complete application, charges , documents)
Release of Temporary Connection (iii) 33 KV supply (from receipt of complete application, charges, documents)
Release of Temporary Connection (iv) Above 33 KV level connections (from receipt of complete application, charges , documents)
Relief & Rehabilitation for Acid Victim (Immediate assistance of Rs.1,00,000 and re- imbursement of medical bills of acid victims)
Removal of blockage of Sewer Line
Removal of blockage of SWD Line.
Removal of Stray Cattle
Renewal of License for processing under Lubrication Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Regulation) Order 1987
Renewal of License for Trading under Lubrication Oils and Greases (Processing Supply and Distribution Order 1987
Renewal Certificate of Dog Registration/brought for show purpose
Renewal Manufacture of aerated water, ice and ice cream at factories
Renewal of acknowledgement of Receipt/authorization letter of fertilizers
Renewal of Boiler Registration under the Indian Boiler Act 1923 (Central Act 5 of 1923)
Renewal of Certificate of Boiler Repairer
Renewal of Cinema License
Renewal of Conductor License - DTO
Renewal of Driving License - DTO
Renewal of Driving License -RLA
Renewal of Fair Price Shop License
Renewal of Fire NOC
Renewal of Licence of Dealer
Renewal of Licence of Manufacturer
Renewal of Licence of Reparier
Renewal of License for bakery
Renewal of License for lodging house
Renewal of License for manufacturing of IBR welding electrodes
Renewal of license for plying carts and Rehris
Renewal of License for running flour mill
Renewal of License for Sale of Meat
Renewal of license for using Municipal Dhobi Ghat
Renewal of license of seeds
Renewal of License to Possess and Sale Fireworks from Shop under The Explosive Rules, 2008
Renewal of Mineral Dealer License
Renewal of Property Dealer license
Renewal of trade license
Renewal of Welder Certificate
Renewal/Restoration of License for running tent house
Repair of Manhole (Sewerage)
Repair of Manhole (SWD)
Repair of Pot hole (Roads)
Repair of Pot holes (Roads)
Repair of street light (Electrical)
Repair of Water Line
Replacement of street lights
Request for issue Copy of Documents
Request of Disconnection (After request)
Resident Certificate
Resolution of Governing Body/ General Body meetings
Restoration of water supply due to major problems i.e. burning of transformer, fault in HT/LT line, leakage in master Water Supply line by GMDA
Restoration of water supply due to major problems i.e. shortage of Raw Water, burning of transformer, fault in HT/LT lines etc of GMDA
Restoration of water supply due to minor problems i.e. fault in pumping machinery, electric wiring, distribution systems etc of GMDA
Restoration of broken street to motorable conditions including laying of pipeline after excavation
Restoration of Water Supply due to major problems i.e. burning of transformer, fault in HT/LT line, leakage in master Water Supply line by FMDA.
Restoration of water supply due to Major problems i.e. shortage of Raw Water, burning of transformer, fault in HT/ LT lines etc of FMDA.
Restoration of water supply due to Minor problems i.e. fault in pumping machinery, electric wiring, distribution systems etc of FMDA.
Revalidate Building Plan
Revised Building Plan (other than Residential)
Revised Building Plan (Residential)
Rural AreaCertificate
S-1 License (License for winery)
Safety Audit Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Safety Audit Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Safety Audit Scheme iii) Disbursement
Sanction of building plans of following site/ plots which does not involve composition of offence in: i. Licensed residential plotted colonies. i i . Industrial Plotted colonies i i i . CLU granted sites having areas upto 2. 00 acres (8093. 70 Sq m.).
Sanction of building plans of following sites/ plots which does not involve composition of offence in:- i). Community Sites upto an area measuring 5. 00 acres ( 20234. 25 Sqm.) in licenced colonies i i) CLU granted sites having area more than 2. 00 acres ( 8093. 70 Sqm.) and upto 5.00 acres( 20234. 25 Sqm.). i i i). Commercial component having site area upto 2.00 acres in residential plotted colony and industrial plotted colony. iv) All the CLU granted Industrial projects.
Sanction of Building plans/ revised building plans (Industrial/ Residential)
Sanction of Building plans/revised building plans (Commercial)
Sanction of Building Plans of the CLU permission granted sites by Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority From the date of receipt of complete documents
Sanction of Building Plans of the CLU granted sites by Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority from the date of receipt of complete documents
Scheduled Caste Certificate
Scheme for conservation and development of Indigenous Cattle and Murrah Development
Scholarship for children of workers
Second copy
Seed License: Grant of Nursery Seed License
Service Verification (in case of Resident of Haryana).
Sewerage blockage/ overflow on manhole on master sewer- line of Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority
Sewerage blockage/ overflow on manhole on master sewer-line of FMDA
Sewerage Connection
Shifting of LT / HT KV lines (i) LT: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances.
Shifting of LT / HT KV lines (ii) 11KV: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances.
Shifting of LT / HT KV lines (iii) 33KV: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances.
Shifting of meter/ services connection (i) LT: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances.
Shifting of meter/ services connection (ii) 11KV: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances
Shifting of meter/ services connection (iii) 33KV: after receipt of necessary charges and clearances
Shifting of Transformer (after receipt of necessary charges and clearances)
Shilpi Samridhi Yojana (Loans are provided to Scheduled Castes Artisans possessing Artisan Identity Card issued by the Development commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India or State Govt.) ( under NSKFDC)
Shooting of Films
Site Demarcation
Special Backward Caste Certificate
Stamp Duty Refund Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Stamp Duty Refund Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Stamp Duty Refund Scheme iii) Disbursement
Stranger Verification (after receiving the verification from the other District/ State of which the stranger is resident)
Submission of list of elected Collegiums members for information u/s 30(3) of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act,2012 (Act 1 of 2012)
Subsidized scheme for widows
Subsidy for Construction of fish kiosks including kiosks of aquarium/ornamental fish
Subsidy for Construction of fish retail markets including ornamental fish/aquarium markets.
Subsidy for Construction of New ponds for Saline /Alkaline areas
Subsidy for Construction of New Grow out Ponds
Subsidy for Construction of new rearing ponds (nursery/seed rearing ponds)
Subsidy for Cycle with Ice Boxes
Subsidy for Establishment of Backyard mini RAS units
Subsidy for Establishment of large RAS (with 8 tanks of minimum 90 m3/tank capacity 40 ton/crop)/ Biofloc (50 tanks of 4m dia and 1.5 high) culture system.
Subsidy for Establishment of Medium RAS (with 6 tank of minimum 30m3/tank capacity 10ton/crop)/ Biofloc culture system(25 tanks of 4m dia and 1.m high)
Subsidy for Establishment of New Freshwater Hatcheries
Subsidy for Establishment of small RAS (with 1 tank of 100m3 capacity/Biofloc (7 tanks of 4m dia and 1.5 high) culture system
Subsidy for Fish Farmer Producer Organisation
Subsidy for Fish Feed Plants of production Capacity of at least 100 ton /Day.
Subsidy for Ice Plant of minimum 50- ton capacity.
Subsidy for Ice Plant/Cold store of minimum 10-ton capacity.
Subsidy for Ice Plant/Cold store of minimum 20-ton capacity.
Subsidy for Ice Plant/Cold store of minimum 30-ton capacity
Subsidy for Inputs for fresh water aquaculture including composite fish culture, scampi, pangasius, tilapia etc.
Subsidy for Inputs for Saline /Alkaline Water Aquaculture
Subsidy for Installation of Cages in Reservoirs
Subsidy for Insulated vehicles
Subsidy for Large Fish Feed mill of production Capacity of 20 ton /Day
Subsidy for Live fish vending Centres
Subsidy for Medium Fish Feed Mill of production Capacity of 8 ton /Day
Subsidy for Medium Scale Ornamental Fish Rearing Unit (Fresh Water).
Subsidy for Mini Fish Feed Mill of production Capacity of 2 ton /Day
Subsidy for Motor cycle with Ice Box
Subsidy for Refrigerated vehicles
Subsidy for Three wheeler with Ice Box including E-rickshaws for fish vending
Subsidy on 1st Year lease money
Subsidy on 2nd year and onwards leases money.
Subsidy on Annual Auction of Notified Waters.
Subsidy on installation of Aerator
Subsidy on Insurance Premium for shrimp crop Insurance
Subsidy on purchase of four Wheeler (Loading)
Subsidy on purchase of fishing nets
Subsidy on Solar system for power generation
Surrender and refund of Plot
Surrender of Plot
Surrender of Fair Price Shop License
Tapriwas Certificate
Team Loan (for Self Employment Income Generating Schemes ) (under NSFDC/ NSKFDC
Testing Equipment Assistance Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Testing Equipment Assistance Scheme ii) Letter of Sanction
Testing Equipment Assistance Scheme iii) Disbursement
Threat Assessment Verification
To possess and Sale Explosive (Fireworks) not exceeding 50 Kgs. of Class-7, Division-2 Sub-Division-2, 400 Kgs. Of Class-7, Division-2 Sub-Division-1 (from Shop under The Explosive Rules, 2008)
Training and Training Stipend to Fish Farmers.
Transfer of plots (uncontested)
Transfer of ownership for non-transport vehicle purchased from outside the State - RLA
Transfer of ownership for old vehicles purchased within the state - DTO
Transfer of ownership for old vehicles purchased within the State - RLA
Transfer of ownership for transport vehicle purchased from outside the State - DTO
Transfer of Plot Provisional Transfer Letter (PTL)
Transfer of property in case of death (uncontested)
Transfer of property before conveyance deed
Transfer of Registration from one Exchange to another Exchange within State
Transfer Permission Letter –Bank (Auction)
Transfer Permission Letter –Death (Under Mortgage)
Transfer Permission Letter –family
Transfer Permission Letter in Death case
Transfer Permission Letter includes:-; (v) Transfer Permission letter-Family (Under Mortgage)
Transfer Permission Letter includes:-; Independent Floor Transfer Permission Letter with GPA
Transfer Permission Letter with Court Decree (in all cases of Sr. No.1)
Transfer Permission letter-Family (Under Mortgage)
Transfer Permission Letter-Will
Transfer Permission Letter-Will (Under Mortgage)
Transfer Permission-Letter Family (with Conveyance deed)
Underground cable breakdowns: Cities and Towns (Within 48 hours)
Underground cable breakdowns: Rural Area (Within 48 hours)
Unemployment allowance
Unscheduled load Shedding (Not to exceed 4hrs on any day)
v) Renewal of License for contractors under the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (Central Act No. 37 of 1970)
Validation of applicant for Community Liaison Groups
Validation of Owners of Cyber Café Registered
Validation of Owners of Hotel and customers Registered
Verification for fresh Arms License
Verification for renewal of Arms License.
vi) Renewal of factory License under the provisions of the Factory Act, 1948 (Central Act No. 63 of 1948)
vii) Renewal of registration certification under the provisions of the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 (Punjab Act 15 of 1958)
Vimukt Jati Certificate
Voltage Fluctuation with no expansion/ enhancement of network involved: Cities and Towns (Within 4 hours)
Voltage Fluctuation with no expansion/ enhancement of network involved: Rural Area (Within 8 hours)
Water Leakage/Over Flow pipes of Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority
Water and Sewerage Connection
Water Audit Scheme Letter of Sanction
Water Audit Scheme i) Letter of Approval
Water Audit Scheme iii) Disbursement
Water Connection
Water Leakage/Over Flow pipes of FMDA
Water leakages/ sewerage blocked/over flow (In case of Municipal Corporation, Gurugram,
Water Supply and Sewerage Connection (Applicable in Municipal Corporation, Gurugram,
Working Women Hostel
Given Time:
2 days
3 days
7 days
45 days
1 day
30 days
60 days
15 days
5 days
As per direction of Election Commission
Same day
24 days
07 Days
10 days
90 days 60 days
15 days
22 days.
07 days.
07 days
05 days
Immediate/ Online
21 days
30 days
22 .
21 days
25 Days
60 Days (after receipt of Police Report)
90 days
26 days
1 day
20 days
03 days
(i) 14 days (ii) 30 days (iii) 7 days
12 days
18 Days from receipt of complete documents
50 days
40 Days
05 Days
35 Days
20 days from the receipt of complete documents
60 days from the receipt of complete documents
22 days
One Month
01 Day
03 Months
(i) 21 days (ii) 30 days (15 days for Registrar/ Sub Registrar, 15 days for District Registrar (iii) 60 days (20 days for Registrar/ Sub Registrar; 20 days for District Registrar; 20 days for
(i) 14 days (ii) 30 days (iii) 90 days
Designated Officer:
(i) Assistant Commissioner of Police ( Hq.) Ambala &Panchkula Districts; (ii) Assistant Commissioner of Police/ HQ. Gurgaon & Faridabad Districts Foreigners Registeration Officer (FRO);
(i) Assistant Commissioner of Police HQ Ambala Urban Area, Panchkula/ Ambala Rural Area; (ii) Assistant Joint Commissioner of Police Gurgaon & Faridabad HQ. Foreigners Registration Offi
(i) Assistant Engineer in case of Municipal Corporation; (ii) Municipal Engineer in case of Municipal Council; (iii) Junior Engineer in case of Municipal Committee
(i) Commissioner of Police, Faridabad, Joint Commissioner of Police, Gurugram and DCP Panchkula (ii) Sub Divisional Magistrate/City Magistrate(except Faridabad, Panchkula and Gurugram Dist
(i) Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Concerned (ii) Executive Officer concerned in case of Municipal Council and Secretary in case of Municipal Committee
(i) Deputy Commissioner (except Panchkula, Gurugram and Faridabad Districts); (ii)
(i) Deputy Commissioner (except Panchkula, Gurugram and Faridabad Districts) (ii) Commissioner of Police, Faridabad, Joint Commissioner of Police, Faridabad and Deputy Commissioner of Police,
(i) District Magistrate (except Faridabad, Panchkula, Ambala & Gurgaon Districts); (ii) Joint Commissioner of Police (Gurgaon Faridabad Districts); (iii) Deputy Commissioner of Police (Panc
(i) District Magistrate (except Panchkula, Ambala, Faridabad & Gurgaon Districts); (ii) Joint Commissioner of Police (Gurgaon & Faridabad Districts); (iii) Deputy Commissioner of Police
(i) District Magistrate, (except Panchkula, Ambala, Faridabad & Gurgaon); (ii) Commissioner of Police for Faridabad, Gurgaon, Ambala & Panchkula Districts
(i) Joint Commissioner of Police (Gurgoan & Faridabad Districts); (ii) Deputy Commissioner of Police (Panchkula); (iii) Sub Divisional Magistrate (Ambala Rural area); (iv) Deputy Commissi
(i) Joint Commissioner of Police, Faridabad & Gurgaon Districts.; (ii) Deputy Commissioner of Police, Ambala & Panchkula Districts); (iii) District Magistrate (except Panchkula, Ambala, F
(i) Sub Divisional Magistrate (except Ambala, Panchkula, Faridabad & Gurgaon Districts); (ii) Deputy/ Assistant Commissioner of Police HQ, Ambala & Panchkula Districts; (iii) Assistant/ D
(i) Sub Divisional Magistrate (except Panchkula, Faridabad, Gurgaon & Ambala Districts); (ii) Joint Commissioner of Police (Gurgaon & Faridabad Districts); (iii) Deputy Commissioner Of Po
(i) Sub Divisional Magistrate (except, Panchkula, Faridabad & Gurgaon & Ambala Districts); (ii) Assistant/ Deputy Commissioner of Police HQ Ambala & Panchkula; (iii) Joint/ Assistant Comm
(i) Tehsildar (in Rural Area); (ii) Secretary, Municipal Committee (in Urban Area); (iii) Deputy/ Joint Municipal Commissioner (in Municipal Corporation)
1. Registrar/ Sub Registrar (Births and Deaths) 2. Additional District Registrar (Births and Deaths)
1. Registrar/ Sub Registrar (Births and Deaths) 2. District Registrar (Births and Deaths)
1. Zonal Taxation Officer in case of Municipal Corporation. 2. Superintendent / Secretary in case of Municipal Council 3. Tax Clerk in case of Municipal Committee.
1. Zonal Taxation Officer in case of Municipal Corporation. 2. Superintendent/ Secretary in case of Municipal Council 3. Tax Clerk in case of Municipal Committee.
1. Zonal Taxation Officer in case of; 2. Superintendent/ Secretary in case; 3. Tax Clerk in case of Municipal
Additional Director
Additional Director-cum-Additional Chief Inspector of Factories, Haryana
Additional Director, Industries and Commerce
Additional Director, Industries and Commerce
Additional Director, Industries
Additional Director, Industries and Commerce
Additional Labour Commissioner
Addl. Director-cum-Addl. Chief Inspector of Factories, Haryana.
Addl. Labour Commissioner
Administrator (HQ)
All registering officers in the State
Assistant Director (IS&H)/Deputy Director (IS&H)/Assistant Director, IH/Deputy Director IH & Joint Director IS&H
Assistant Employment Officer at Sub Divisional Employment Exchange District Employment Officer at District Employment Exchange Assistant Employment Offier at Divisional Employment Exchange St
Assistant Engineer
Assistant Engineer in case of
Assistant Engineer in case of Municipal Corporation. Junior Engineer in case of Municipal Council and Committee.
Assistant Excise and Taxation Officer
Assistant Mining Engineer/Minning Officer of District Concerned
Assistant Registrar
Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies concerned
Assistant Secretary (Certificate)
Assistant Secretary (Certification)
Assitant Secretary (Secrecy)
Block Development and Panchayat Officer-cum Programme Officer (MGNREGS)
Chief Inspector of Boiler
Chief Town Planner
Chief Electrical Inspector
Chief Inspector of Boilers
Chief Inspector of Boilers, Haryana
Chief Scientific Engineer HSCST
Chief Town Planner, Urban Local Bodies
Circle Revenue Officer
Collector (Excise)
Collector, Excise
Commercial Assistant
Commercial Assistant (CA)/ CBO clerk
Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation Executive Officer in case of Municipal Council. Secretary in case of Municipal Committee
Commissioner in the case of Municipal Corporation Executive Officer concerned in case of Municipal Council and Secretary
Commissioner Municipal Corporation, Gurugram/ Faridabad.
Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Concerned, Gurugram/Faridabad
Concerned AEO/A.O./ Sr. A.O.
Concerned Deputy Director
Concerned Deputy Labour Commissioner
Concerned SDE of PHED
Concerned SE
Concerned Secretary- cum- Executive Officer.
Concerned Secretary- cum-Executive Officer.
Concerned Sub Divisional Engineer of PHED
Controller of Examination
Controller of Examination of University concerned / Deputy Registrar concerned
Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Deputy Director Agriculture
Deputy Director/ Deputy Chief Seed Certification Officer
Deputy Director/ Joint Director/ Additional Director (as the case may be)
Deputy Superintendent of the Estate Office concerned
Designated Officer (Group- B)
DETC (Excise)
DGM/ Addl.GM( Industrial Estate)
DGM/ AGM( Estate)
DGM/ AGMIndustrial. Estate
Director General, Town & Country Planning
Director General, Town & Country Planning.
Director General, Mines and Geology
Director, Mines and Geology
Director, Urban Local Bodies, Haryana
Director, Urban Local Bodies Department
District Registrar, Firms and Societies
District Town Planner
District Town Planner
District Welfare Officer of the concerned District.
District Collector
District Development & Panchayat Officer
District Fisheries Officer Concerned
District Food and Supplies Controller
District Food and Supplies Controller of the District concerned
District Magistrate
District Manager
District Manager of concerned District
District Programme Officer
District Registrar
District Registrar, Firms and
District Registrar, Firms and Societies
District Social Welfare officer of the concerned District
District Social Welfare Officer of the concerned District.
District Social Welfare officer of theconcerned District
District Town Planner, FMDA
District Town Planner, GMDA
District Transport Officer-cum- Registering and Licensing Authority
District Transport Officer-cum- Registrating and Licensing Authority
District Welfare Officer of the concerned District.
Distt Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner
Distt Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO)
DTP/ STP concerned
Duty Patwari 1
Dy. Director Horticulture/Fruits (DDH/F)
Dy. Director Horticulture/Micro Irrigation (DDH/MI)
Dy. Director Horticulture/National Horticulture Mission (DDH/NHM)
Dy. Director Horticulture/Project & Nursery (DDH/P&N)
Dy. Director Horticulture/Vegetable (DDH/V)
Estate Manager
Estate Officer
Excise and Taxation Commissioner
Excise Inspector
Executive Engineer
Executive Engineer Concerned
Executive Officer concerned in case of Municipal Council and Secretary in case of Municipal Committee
Executive Officer in case of
Executive Officer, Beneficiary Idendtification
Field Incharge ( IA)
Field Incharge (Engineering)
Fire Station Officer
Food Safety Officer (Group- B)
Head of Office at District level of Department concerned
Head Teacher Elementary School
Incharge Field Office
Information Public Relation Officer (Film)/Deputy Director(Film)
Inspector Incharge/ Assistant Food and Supply Officer
JE [In charge]
JE [In charge]
JE [M&P]
JE [OP] [In charge]
Joint Commissioner in case of
Junior Engineer
Labour Inspector
Labour welfare Officer
Legal Metrology Officer (Inspector)
Local Registrar (Birth and Death) of the Municipal Corporation Concerned.
Manager, Publication Branch, Panchkula.
Mandi Supervisor or Assistant Secretary
Officer Incharge at District level
Prohibition cum Protection Officer
Regional Officer/ Environmental Engineer
Scientific Engineer (A) SG
Secretary/ Executive Officer/ Zonal
Secretary/EO/ Zonal Taxation Officer in case of Municipal
Senior Drugs Control Officer of the zone.
Senior Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer
Senior Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer
Senior Town Planner
Senior Drugs Control Officer of the zone.
Senior Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Corporation Chief Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Council and Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Committee
Senior Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Corporation. Chief Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Council and Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Committee
Senior Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Corporation. Chief Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Council and Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Committee.
Senior Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal CorporationChief Sanitary Inspector in case of Municipal Council and Sanitary Inspector in case of MunicipalCommittee
Senior Town Planner
Shehari Vikas Pradhikaran/Sub Divisional Engineer, Haryana Shehari Vikas Pradhikaran concerned
State Drugs Controller
State Drugs Controller.
State Mining Engineer Mines and Geology Department
Station House Officer of the concerned Police Station -
Station House Officer of the concerned Police Station
Station House Officer of the concerned Police station
Station House Officer
Sub Divisional Engineer
Sub Divisional Engineer concerned
Sub Divisional Magistrate
Sub divisional Magistrate cum SDO ©
Sub Divisional Officer (Civil)-cum- Registrating and Licensing Authority
Sub Divisional Officer (Civil)-cum-Registering and Licensing Authority
Sub Divisional Officer, AH & D
Sub Divisional Officer, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Sub Inspector, Security
Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar
Sub- Registrar or Joint sub Registrar (in case of Sub Tehsils)
Sub-Registrar or Joint Sub Registrar (in case of Sub Tehsils)
Sub-Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar
Superintendent Passport Branch, Home Department
Superintendent (Certificate)
Superintendent Passport Branch, Home Department
Tehsildar of the concerned Sub- Division
Tehsildar of the Sub- Division concerned
Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar
Three Membered District Appropriate Authority with Civil Surgeon as Chairman
Welfare Officer, District Sainik & Ardh Sainik Welfare Office of concerned District
XEN (Construction)
Zonal Taxation Officer in case of
Zonal Taxation Officer in case of Municipal Corporation and Faridabad.
First Grievances:
(i) Commissioner of Police; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) District Magistrate; (iv) Commissioner of Police
(i) Commissioner of Police (ii) District Magistrate
(i) Commissioner of Police; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Divisional Commissioner
(i) Deputy Commissioner; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Commissioner of Police
(i) Deputy Commissioner of Police Ambala/ Panchkula; (ii) Deputy Commissioner of Police Gurgaon and Faridabad; (iii) Superintendent of police
(i) Deputy Commissioner of Police; (ii) Deputy Commissioner of Police; (iii) Superintendent of police
(i) District Magistrate (ii) Commissioner of Police
(i) District Magistrate; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Commissioner of Police District Magistrate; (iv) Commissioner of Police; (v) Divisional Commissioner
(i) District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Commissioner of Police; (iv) Commissioner of Police
(i) Divisional Commissioner concerned (ii) Deputy Commissioner concerned
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Commissioner of Police; (iv) Commissioner of Police; (v)Commissioner of Police
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Commissioner of police; (iii) Commissioner of Police; (iv) Commissioner of Police; (v)Commissioner of Police
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Divisional Commissioner
(i) Executive Engineer in case of Municipal corporation; (ii) Executive Engineer in case of Municipal Council; (iii) Municipal Engineer in case of Municipal Committee
(i) Sub Divisional Magistrate; (ii) Sub Divisional Magistrate; (iii) Municipal Commissioner
1. Deputy Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation 2. EO in case of Municipal Council 3. Secretary in case of Municipal Committee
1. Deputy Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation 2. Executive Officer in case of Municipal Council 3. Secretary in case of Municipal Committee
1. Joint Municipal Commissioner; 2. Executive Officer in case of; 3. Secretary in case of Municipal
Additional Deputy Commissioner of the District concerned
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Urban Local Bodies Department
Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana, Urban Local Bodies Department
Additional Chief Secretary, Town & Country Planning
Additional Deputy Commissioner – cum – District Citizen Resource Information Officer
Additional Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Additional Deputy Commissioner of the District Concerned
Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Citizen Resource Information Officer
Additional Director
Additional Director (Administration)
Additional Director (Tech.), Industries and Commerce, Haryana
Additional Director (Tech.), Industries and Commerce, Haryana
Additional Director Industries
Additional Director, Industries
Addl. Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Addl. Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Administrative Officer
Administrative Secretary
Assistant Controller Legal Metrology
Assistant Engineer
Assistant Labour Commissioner
Assistant Secretary (Certificate)
Block Education Officer
CCI-cum- Ho D ( Estate)
CCI-cum- Ho D ( Estate)
Chief Town Planner
Chief Town Planner
Chief Administrator
Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF)/ Conservator of Forests (CF)
Chief Electrical Inspector
Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer (Concerned)
Chief Executive Officer-cum- District Programme Coordinator (DPCs-MGNREGS), Concerned District Rural Development
Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parishad
Chief Town Planner, FMDA
Chief Town Planner, GMDA
Chief Town Planner
Collector, Excise
Commissioner in the Municipal
Commissioner, Food and Drugs Administration
Concerned EE of PHED
Concerned Executive Engineer of PHED
Concerned Secretary- cum- Executive Officer.
Controller Legal Metrology
Deputy Director Fisheries Concerned
Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner (Respective District)
Deputy Commissioner of District concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in the case Municipal Corporation
Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in case of Municipal Corporation
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Deputy Director
Deputy Director Fisheries Concerned
Deputy Director Fisheries
Deputy Director Fisheries Concerned
Deputy Director IS&H
Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry and Dairying/ICDP
Deputy Director, AH & D/ICDP
Deputy Excise and Taxation Commissioner
Deputy Labour Commissioner (Welfare)
Deputy Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation. Executive Officer in case of Councils and Secretary in case of Municipal Committees
Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies concerned
Deputy Registrar cum SDO ©
Deputy Secretary (Certificate)
Deputy Secretary (Certification)
Deputy Secretary (Secrecy)
Deputy Superintendent of Police/ Assistant Commissioner of Police, Headquarters
Deputy Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police
Deputy Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/ Joint Commissioner of Police
Deputy Superintendent of Police/Assistant Commissioner of Police, Headquarters
Deputy Superintendent of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police/Joint Commissioner of Police
Deputy/Under Secretary to Government Haryana, Home Department
Designated Officer, Food and Drugs Administration of Concerned District
Director Industries & Commerce
Director , Haryana State Seed Certification Agency
Director General Information Public Relation and Languages.
Director General, Mines and Geology
Director General, Mines and Geology Department
Director General, Town & Country Planning
Director Urban Local Bodies
Director, Industries and Commerce
Director, Industries and Commerce
Director, Industries and
Director, Industries and Commerce
Director, Sainik & Ardh Sainik Welfare Dept.
Director, Urban Local Bodies
Director, Urban Local Bodies Department
District Food and Supplies Controller
District Magistrate of the District concerned
District Programme Officer
District Registrar Births & Deaths- cum-Civil Surgeon
Divisional Commissioner
Divisional Commissioner cocnerned in the case of Municipal Corporation District Municipal Commissioner
Divisional Commissioner concerned District Municipal Commissioner Concerned
Divisional Commissioner concerned
Divisional Employment Officer
Estate Officer of the Estate Office concerned
Estate Officer
Excise and Taxation Commissioner
Executive Engineer concerned
Executive Engineer
Executive Engineer in case of
Executive Engineer in case of Municipal Corporation Municipal Engineer in case of Municipal Council and Committee.
Head of Department (IA)
Head of Office of Department concerned
Ho D ( I A)
HoD (Estate)
HoD ( Estate)
HoD (Engineering)
HoD (Estate)
HOD( Estate)
HOD/ ( Estate)
HOD/ (Estate)
Joint Chief Executive Officer, Ayushman Bharat - Haryana Health Protection Authority
Joint Commissioner (Food) office of Commissioner, Food & Drugs Administration, Haryana, Panchkula
Joint Commissioner in case of
Joint Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation
Joint Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation. Executive Officer in case of Municipal Councils and Secretary in case of Municipal Committees
Joint Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation. Executive Officer in case of Councils and Secretary in case of Municipal Committees
Joint Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation.
Joint Director
Joint Director (Administration)
Joint Secretary, HBOCWW Board
Labour Commissioner
Labour Commissioner-cum- Chief Inspector of Factories Haryana
Labour Commissioner-cum- Chief Inspector of Factories, Haryana
Manager Government Text Books Press, Panchkula
Member Secretary, Haryana State Pollution Control Board
Principal Scientist (SG)
Principal Secretary, Mines and Geology
Programme Officer (Poshan)/ Deputy Director
Registrar of the University concerned
S.D.O. (C) of the Sub Division concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council Joint Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in case of Municipal Corporation.
S.D.O. (C) of the Sub Division concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council, Joint Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in case of Municipal Corporation
S.D.O. (C) of the Sub Division concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council, Joint Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in case of Municipal Corporation.
SDM of the concerned Sub- Division
SDM of the concerned Sub- Division
SDO (Civil)-cum-Deputy Registrar
Secretary Power
Secretary/EC HSCST
Senior Town Planner
Sr. Accounts Officer
Sr. Accounts Officer, HSFDC
State Registrar, Firms & Societies
State Mining Engineer
State Registrar
State Registrar, Firms &
Sub Divisional Engineer
Sub Divisional Magistrate
Sub Divisional Magistrate -cum- SDO (Civil)
Sub Divisional Magistrate of Sub
Sub Divisional Magistrate of the Sub-Division concerned.
Sub-Divisional Magistrate
Superintending Engineer concerned
Superintending Engineer concerned
Tehsildar of concerned Tehsil
Three Membered State Appropriate Authority with Director General Health Services, Haryana as Chairman
Zonal Administrator
Second Grievances:
(i) --------; (ii) Divisional Commissioner; (iii) Divisional Commissioner; (iv) Divisional Commissioner; (v)Divisional Commissioner
(i) -------; (ii) Divisional Commissioner; (iii) Divisional Commissioner; (iv) Divisional Commissioner; (v)Divisional Commissioner
(i) Commissioner of Police; (ii) Commissioner of Police; (iii) Range IG
(i) Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation; (ii) District Municipal commissioner in case of Municipal council and Municipal Committee; (iii)
(i) Deputy Commissioner; (ii) Deputy Commissioner; (iii) Deputy Commissioner
(i) Director, Urban Local Bodies (ii) Divisional Commissioner concerned
(i) Divisional Commissioner (ii) Divisional Commissioner
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Divisional Commissioner; (iii) --------
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Divisional Commissioner; (iii) Divisional Commissioner
(i) Divisional Commissioner; (ii) Divisional Commissioner; (iii) Divisional Commissioner; (iv) Divisional Commissioner
1. Commissioner in the case of Municipal Corporation. 2. District Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Council and Municipal Committee
1. Commissioner in the Municipal Corporation. 2. District Municipal
1. Commissioner in the Municipal Corporation. 2. District Municipal Commissioner in Municipal Council and Municipal Committee
ACS Power
Additional Chief Secretary, Town & Country Planning
Additional Chief Secretary Labour and Employment
Additional Chief Secretary Labour.
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Health
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Health Department
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Home Department
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Home Department
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Home Department", and
Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Mines and Geology Department
Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary, Mines and Geology Department
Additional Director (Administration)
Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (APCCF) (Forestry)
Additionnal Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana, Information Public Relation and Languages.
Addl. Chief Secretary Urban Local Bodies Department
Administrative Secretary
Administrative Secretary (TCP)
Administrative Secretary of the Department
Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana Excise and Taxation
Administrative Secretary, Department concerned”.
Administrator (HQ)
Assistant Controller, Haryana Government Press, Sector-18, Chandigarh.
Chairman, Haryana State Seed Certification Agency
Chairman/EC HSCST
Chariman, Haryana State Pollution Control Board
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer, FMDA
Chief Executive Officer, FMDA
Chief Town Planner
Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana
Chief Electrical Inspector
Chief Engineer
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer, GMDA
Chief Executive Officer, Ayushman Bharat - Haryana Health Protection Authority
Chief Registrar (Births and Deaths) - cum- Director General Health Services
Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana
Collector (Excise)
Commissioner in case Municipal Corporation District Municipal Commissioner in case of
Commissioner in case of
Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation District Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Council and Municipal Committee.
Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation
Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation. District Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Council and Municipal Committee
Commissioner in case of Municipal Corporation. District Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipal Council and Municipal Committee.
Commissioner in the case
Commissioner in the case of Municipal Corporation.
Commissioner, Food & Drugs Administration, Haryana
Concerned Superintending Engineer of PHED
Concerned SE of PHED
Concerned Superintending Engineer of PHED
Credit Planning Officer at Directorate
Deputy Commissioner of the District concerned
Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner of the Concerned District
Deputy Commissioner of the Concerned District
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District.
Deputy Commissioner of the District Concerned
Deputy Commissioner of District concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in case Municipal Corporation
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Deputy Commissioner of the District concerned in case of Municipal Committee and Council, Commissioner of the Corporation concerned in the case Municipal Corporation
Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District
Deputy Commissioner of the District Concerned
Deputy Commissioner- cum- Registrar
Deputy Commissioner.
Deputy Controller, Legal Metrology
Deputy Secretary (Certificate)
Director Agriculture
Director Fisheries
Director General Horticulture
Director General Information Public Relation and Languages.
Director General, Town & Country Planning
Director General, Town & Country Planning.
Director General/ Director, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department
Director Industries
Director Industries & Commerce
Director Urban Local Bodies Divisional Commissioner Concerned
Director Urban Local Bodies
Director, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Haryana
Director, Industries
Director, Industries and Commerce
Director, Industries and Commerce
Director, Mines and Geology
Director, Urban Local Bodies in case of Municipal Committees and Councils Addl. Chief Secretary Urban Local Bodies Department in case of Municipal Corporation
Director, Urban Local Bodies in case of Municipal Committees and Councils Addl. Chief Secretary, Urban Local Bodies Department in case of Municipal Corporation
Director, Urban Local
Director, Urban Local Bodies
Director/Director General Industries and Commerce, Haryana
Director/Director General, Industries and Commerce, Haryana
DirectorGeneral, Town & Country Planning
District Elementary
District Municipal
Divisional Commissioner
Divisional Commissioner of the District Concerned
Excise and Taxation Commissioner
Executive Engineer
Joint Commissioner (Food) office of Commissioner, Food & Drugs Administration, Haryana, Panchkula
Joint Director
Joint Director/ Additional Director;”
Joint Director/Additional Director
Joint Secretary, HBOCWW Board
Labour Commissioner
Labour Commissioner- cum-Secretary, HBOCWW Board
Managing Director
Managing Director
Managing Director, Haryana Livestock Development Board, Panchkula or his representative, now below the rank of Deputy Director”.
Managing Director, HSFDC
Managing Director, HSFDC”.
Mission Director
Principal Secretary
Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Urban Local Bodies Department
Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce
Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce
Principal Secretary,
Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce
Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce
Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce
Principal Secretary, Mines and Geology
Principal Secretary, Sainik & Ardh Sainik Welfare Dept.
Principal Secy, Labour
Principal Secy, Labour & Employment, Govt. of Haryana.
Registrar cum Deputy Commissioner
Registrar General
Registrar General, Firms
Registrar General, Firms & Societies
Registrar, Cooperative Societies Haryana
SDM of the Concerned Sub Division
SDM of the Concerned Sub Division.
Secretary Power
Secretary Revenue
Secretary to Government Haryana, Home-1 Department
Secretary, Haryana State Board of Technical Education
Secretary, Revenue
Superintendent of Police/ Commissi oner of Police
Superintendent of Police/ Commissioner of Police
Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquaters
Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquaters.
Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquarters
Superintendent of Police/Commissioner of Police
Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquarters
Superintendent of police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquarters
Superintendent of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police
Superintending Engineer concerned
Superintending Engineer
Superintending Engineer/
Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer in case of Municipal Corporation. District Municipal
Vice Chancellor
Vice-chancellor of the University concerned
Welfare Commissioner
Zonal Administrator of the Estate Office concerned
Zonal Administrator
Zonal Administrator Concerned
Clear Filters
Notified Services List
Notified Services
Name of the Department
Notified Service Name
Given Time Limit (In Days/Hours)
Designated Officer
First Grievances Redressal Authority
Second Grievances Redressal Authority